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About Express Yourself

Express Yourself is a multi-state collaborative aiming to improve breastfeeding among mothers of hospitalized very low birth weight infants (VLBWs; less than 1,500g) and reduce racial and ethnic disparities. This is critical because mother's breast milk has tremendous health benefits for VLBW infants who are born significantly preterm. This project engages multidisciplinary teams at neonatal intensive care units (NICUs) that care for mothers and their VLBW infants.

Overall Project Goal

Increase the use of mother’s own milk (MOM) in very low birth weight infants in Mississippi and New Orleans and reduce demographic and social disparities.

Project Aim

Among VLBW infants by June 1, 2022:

  1. Increase the use of any/exclusive MOM on day 28 by 20% of baseline

  2. Reduce disparities in provision of MOM at day 28 according to maternal race/ethnicity, language status, and private vs. public insurance by any amount

Let's Make a Change!

Express Yourself

Working to increase the use of mother’s own milk (MOM) in very low birth weight infants in Mississippi and southeast Louisiana while reducing demographic and social disparities.

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The Express Yourself Project has been funded by the W.K. Kellogg Foundation from 2019-2024.

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